Monday, December 8, 2008


My knee is still a stiff, swollen blob that doesn't like to cooperate when I do the exercises for flexion and extension that I have to do to get it to be "normal". It's sometimes hard to walk this tightrope between getting depressed over what seems to me to be very slow progress, and the fact that, even though it will take a long time to recover to the extent the other knee is fully recovered, this is a temporary condition.

I can't afford to sit on my duff too long. Today, for example, I had visitors and then I had a delivery. I had to hang around the house and wait for both. I didn't get to walk outside (also a major part of my therapy) till after nightfall, and so I didn't walk all that far.

I guess I just have to put my health and my recovery first on my list, and everything else takes a back seat, including visits, phone calls, work on the computer, etc. Anything that's not exercises and walking.

Tomorrow about 12:30 the nurse is coming to me to remove the stitches, which I'm told will improve things somewhat. I sure hope that's right. For one thing, I'd like to be able to sleep in a comfortable position through the night, without waking up in pain and having a hard time getting back to sleep or in a sleep position, then getting up late the next morning. This has been going on for the last few nights, and I find it very troubling.

It's amazing how much we take for granted when we're totally healthy. Who thinks about bending and straightening their knees??? Who thinks about the effort involved in putting on a sock, or a pair of pants, or making the bed???

I definitely want to stay off that damn "pity pot" (the expression used in the 12-Step programs that means self-pity). I don't have any desire to just sit around and mope and do nothing but feel sorry for my current condition and the suffering it entails.

I guess I also need to pray more personally to G-d, that He will see me through this, with a minimum of trouble and pain, as He saw me through the first time.

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