Saturday, December 6, 2008


All I can say about Thursday's Hebron pogrom against Beit Shalom (and I address this to Ehud Barak and his ill ilk):

What did you expect from these kids who (supposedly) rampaged throughout Hebron on Thursday, in rage, bitterness and frustration? This is the culmination of sixty years of the anti-Jewish Left in power, controlling everything and everybody, marginalizing and dehumanizing any and everyone who doesn't accept or agree with their worldview. These beautiful kids who believe in Torat Israel, Am Israel, and Eretz Israel, see so clearly, far more than their elders, your hypocrisy when you make a big deal about "upholding the law", and "abiding by the law" and that the state has the right to control its citizens. You are just the latest anti-Jewish leftie, just like all your predecessors before you who controlled the reigns of power and who brutally and viciously suppressed the right wing, the religious, the charedi - in short, all those who are everything you're NOT! All those who want to see a truly JEWISH state here, who want a state based on Torah, because they know in their hearts and souls that this is the only kind of state that G-d will accept - are worse enemies to you than Arabs, because they threaten your stranglehold on the state, and even more to the point - because you know in your heart of hearts and gut of guts that they will certainly win in the end - because G-d will never allow Israel to be a nation like all other nations!

You and your sick anti-Jewish ilk know your days are numbered, so like a cornered and wild animal, you lash and thrash out at your perceived enemies in a last-ditch effort to put an end to them - and thus to any threat to your power and the perks that go with it.

For years, those of us who are marginalized, dehumanized and made to feel like we don't matter, did our best to contribute to the state in any way we could, because we were more concerned for the common good than for satisfying our own individual needs. And your predecessors played along with it - as long as we knew our place and didn't pose any threat to the ruling oligarchy.

And then along came the so-called "disengagement". These beautiful young lovers of Zion and Am Israel saw all of this cooperation, participation in state-building - collapse like a deck of cards. They saw the total hypocrisy, betrayal and traitorious actions of a government that was elected on one platform and that callously turned about-face and turned its back on its own voters, and adopted the opposite position. They saw a "supreme" court make up its own laws and rules to suit its own leftist political leanings, regardless of "justice".

"Rule of law", you say? The only rule of law you and your ilk promote is that which accords with your anti-Zionist, anti-Jewish and Leftist values that insist we become a state and a people like all others, devoid of any Jewish content. "Democracy", you say? When equal rights and protections under the law apply only to those segments of the population that agree with your values and world view, THIS IS QUITE THE OPPOSITE OF DEMOCRACY!

Barak, consider yourself damn lucky that a lot worse didn't happen! But that's not to say that it won't happen in the future!

Take whole sectors of the population (right-wing, religious, nationalistic, patriotic Jews), isolate them, make them second-class citizens for 60 years, all the while pretending to them that they matter, lie to them, keep them from obtaining any real power in this state, subject them to arbitrary administrative detention for even the most minor infractions, brutally beat them and throw them out of their legally owned homes and farms and lives - all the while allowing Leftie demonstrators to do anything they want and letting the Arabs build illegally all over the country, not to mention rocketing Jews and attacking and murdering them - and watch their frustration mount, like steam in a pressure cooker. It's only a matter of time before that pressure cooker explodes into G-d knows what.

And you, Ehud Barak, will share a heavy burden of blame for the consequences once the explosion happens. You, the rest of your terminally ill cohorts, and the soldiers and cops who participated in this latest expulsion, G-d willing, will pay the ultimate price for your folly both in this world and the next.

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