Wednesday, April 9, 2008


This was a day I should not have even gone to work, except to pick up that damn package of Royal Jelly from Fedex. It would have been such a hassle to get the package delivered to me here at home. Plus, the delivery coinciding with the beginning of a stupid staff meeting, chaired by none other than my boss's boss's boss, Carmi Gillon. Plus a new computer not working like it should. Plus, plus, plus....... I was so glad to get home in the end. Actually, I suppose I could have just gotten sick all of a sudden and left once my package was delivered.... but dear old responsible, overdeveloped superego me, wouldn't allow myself or I to do such a despicable, abominable thing...

Carmi Gillon.... I looked deeply at him today, both in the hall during the toast to Pesach, and during the meeting in the seminar room.... the man appointed by Shimon Peres to "take care of" Yitzchak Rabin. The creator and head of the "Jewish Department" of the Shabak. Ugly on the inside, ugly on the outside... and one of the worst public speakers I have ever heard. I looked at him with such contempt - if he had looked directly at me, I'm sure he would have noticed the expression on my face. I also noticed the expressions and faces of the rest of the staff who were hanging onto his every word and laughing right along with him. HE DOESN'T DESERVE YOUR RESPECT, YOU MORONS! DON'T YOU KNOW WHO CARMI GILLON IS????? This man is the epitome of Evil Incarnate. Laughing and joking and relaxed, the Big Honcho of the staff - but NONE OF THESE MORONS KNOW WHO THE REAL CARMI GILLON IS AND THE EVIL THINGS HE'S DONE TO HIS OWN PEOPLE! Today Natalie (whom I can take only in very minute doses) said during the meeting that the guest of honor at one of the dinners to be thrown at that ostentatious display of extravagant waste they call the Board (Bored) of Governors, will be Shimon Peres. Carmi's old boss. In my mind, having an appetite for dinner is in inverse proportion to the presence of Shimon Peres. Throwing up in his presence would be more my style.

I look at these people I work with and realize that I'm moving farther and farther away from them.... It's like watching a movie, from the outside looking in. Still there physically, and I'm very good at my job, but counting the days till my retirement in just over 2 years. Just do my job and pretty much keep to myself.

So it's been that kind of a day. Back in the Rat Race Big-Time (and then some). I should be listening to Hooker 'N Heat or Michael Doucet..... but I'm just interested in getting all the crap out of my gut before attempting to sleep.

I find blogging to be a great outlet. Told others about it. About to send the URL of the homepage of making a blog to Levy.

Hey, at least my new computer at work has sound this time! And you know what that means? Today I played the H&H CD - wanted to turn the sound up full-blast, but after all, there are others around who wouldn't appreciate it.

B'kol zot, got a lot done today, mostly personal stuff. Feel fairly accomplished and didn't leave too many loose ends.

Tomorrow, cleaning out the food closet. One of the big three and a half (in terms of cleaning for Pesach): Food closet, refrigerator, sink/cabinet area and oven/stove (the "half" is the sink area, it's relatively easy to clean).

Well, I expect that shit of a landlord to get my registered letter either tomorrow or Friday or Sunday.... then will the shit hit the fan or not??? Question of the month.

Sleeeeeeeeeep time is here... In my head I keep hearing Canned Heat's harmonica, it's my lullaby...

G-d rescue me from petty, small-minded, mean, ignorant, phoney-baloney, "poser" lefties!!!

Before I sign off, here's a little treat for anyone out there who has taken the time and trouble to get into my blog and actually read what I wrote: The gift of music to you at

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