Friday, June 27, 2008


I'm still depressed after Wednesday's fiasco in court with my sweet friend E. She had a hearing and the judge refused - twice - to postpone it even though - through no fault of her own - her most recent lawyer quit on her. I went to the hearing in Ramat Gan to try to explain to the judge in Hebrew what my friend wanted to say in English. Neither of us were allowed to speak (the reason for my not being allowed was because I'm not a lawyer!).

At any rate, the judgment went against her and for the other side - completely.

Now she needs a top-notch lawyer who won't take any money up front, just a % of the winnings (if any). This lawyer needs to be the reincarnation of Clarence Darrow. Ah, he also needs to speak English fluently.

So the race for a new lawyer is on, as she has only till Sept. 1 to appeal Wednesday's fiasco.

Anyone out there a lawyer or know a lawyer? Please get back to me STAT!

In the meantime, Shabbat Shalom to all.

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